Sunday, August 12, 2007

History Distortion Channel?

Howdy folks and welcome to another cutting edge, earth friendly edition of Stewblog, the only blog that dares to speak the truth to power, like power doesn't know exactly what it's doing and gives a damn what we think anyway.

The Government Accountability Office recently reported that the Pentagon has "lost" an estimated 190,000 AK-47 Assault Rifles and other guns given to Iraqi troops since 2004. That's enough guns to re-arm all of our troops currently fighting in Iraq.

One would like to think that those guns aren't currently in the hands of our enemies because that would mean that the Pentagon itself is arming the Iraqi insurgents more than Iran could ever hope to. That's your tax dollars in action folks!!

For those of you who are keeping track, the Pentagon has now "misplaced" a total of190,000 rifles, $8.8 billion in reconstruction funds, up to 300,000 barrels of Iraqi oil a day for the past 4 years, on top of the $4 TRILLION they "misplaced" before this war even started.

Of course the media is portraying this loss as simple incompetence from the Pentagon instead of the wholesale organized looting of public finds by private war profiteers who just happen to be connected to the White House. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.( Warning - Extreme sarcasm alert!! )

Everyone who isn't still drinking the Bush Administrations punch knows this illegal war was started under false reasons, yet we continue to spend $2 Billion a week to keep our troops in harms way.

There are some "loony" people who think this money could be better spent on domestic problems like, for example, preventing our bridges from suddenly collapsing sending our taxpaying citizens crashing into a river on their way home from work. Yes, a crazy idea!

And for those of you who can't afford a night out to the movies yet would like to watch a great work of fiction, on Sunday night (Aug 12) at 8:00 the History Channel will take a break from glorifying war to air a special on "9/11Conspiracies." Although the program is trying to pass itself off as impartial, the main source of information used to debunk the "outrageous" 9/11 claims is Popular Mechanics magazine.

Popular Mechanics is owned by the pioneers of yellow journalism, The Hearst Corporation, who jointly own History Channel with two major Defense Department suppliers, General Electric and Disney. If one side of any debate is on the same payroll as the show's producers then how fair can the debate possibly be?

So, to be sure, the show will mis-represent the claims of the 9/11 Truth Movement while presenting cherry picked information from agenda-driven "scientific experts." For example, PM will no doubt claim that at 1,800 F steel will loose most of it's strength, yet not mention that:
1. NIST admits that none of the steel reached temperatures above 1,200 F. They deliberately confuse the maximum temperature of the fire with the actual temperature the steel reached.

2. The steel used in the WTC was certified to survive 2,000 F temperatures for a minimum of 3 hours. Considering the South Tower fell in less than an hour - the PM claim is clearly false. The many other claims of Popular Mechanics and NIST have already been rebutted by David Ray Griffin's book "Debunking 9/11 Debunking". If you haven't already, I beg you to read my short review of the book at:

Till next week.......Thanks for reading!!
Peace, Truth, and Justice....Stewart Bradley

1 comment:

Faith-R-Michaels said...

Hello Stew -Love ur blog and ur writing style-I also am a Gemini so I understand xtreme sarcasm done in true Gemini style!
I also do not mind constructive critism so please visit my blog and feel free to critigue if uv a mind to-many Blessings friend